Thanks for the post Richard, I feel deeply connected to the principles you talk about and feel excited to learn more about how your experience of building Symbiotic networks can by applied to other community initiatives. I have felt (and still feel) all stages of grief as part of the transition from "The Story of Separation" into what Thích Nhất Hạnh calls "The Story of Interbeing" and this has inspired me to start my own local symbiotic network (https://sustrato.mx). After reading your post I feel inspired to share two sources of knowledge that came to mind while reading:

1) A lecture by Allan Watts that helped me better understand the science/religion divide that you talk about, I hope it can help you and other readers that might want to go deeper on this subject.


2) A book that has helped me to very practically move closer to the Ancient Wisdom you mention, based on Toltec teachings: https://www.thefouragreements.com/

I hope this helps someone connect with their own path and purpose <3

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I’m so glad this resonated and was helpful to you. Thanks for sharing your links with others. Looking forward to continuing dialogue.

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Excellent writing, so compelling, great work! :-)

And may I lovingly recommend a Teleprompter. ;-)?

Do your back in statistics give you any insight as to the most popular phrases, sentences or paragraphs in these posts? You've got a handful of powerful, pithy, statements that might lend themselves well to physical flyers with QR codes back to the articles…


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