hey guys !

been building consocio.org which i am trying to develop "algorithmic sustainability" if you get a chance have a look at my articles, I am super passionate about symbiosis (original idea of federalism) and applying that to the market ecology updating our political science and aligning stakeholders ultimate benefits, the goal is to build a neutral system of governance (as much as possible) since that offers the most longevity in ecosystems, maybe get in touch??

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Michalis, such a pleasure to meet you and your beautiful vision here! Would love to learn more about your project. In 2014-2018 I was building One Sphera, a digital platform to connect community and local economies. It's "on the shelf" now, but hoping those who are interested will take some of the approaches we used and apply them to their own projects.

One thing I learned is that its important to build the trust networks of local leaders in the face-to-face world (so-called "In Real Life" - IRL) before (or in parallel) building digital networks for local living economies.

I will be sharing more in detail in a chapter in my upcoming book Birthing the Symbiotic Age right here on Substack. Let's connect sometime and compare notes. Happy to support your work.

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that is so great! I am so happy to get a chance to talk with people who share the same excitement with me on the same topics! Ill share a presentation here https://www.canva.com/design/DAFRSi88pU0/DrGz_x91OiB0CYC1MhvwGg/edit?utm_content=DAFRSi88pU0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton you can check out! Let me know which is a good medium to get in touch with, telegram, WhatsApp etc

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Quantum Dream Weavers identify the patterns of our reality and divine a more cohesive symbiotic reality. Let's co-create together!

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