I think that we can have more boxes in the book that give examples of what you are writing about. Especially these latter chapters.

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I appreciate this public book discussions - we have these luku piiri (reading circles) in Finland and they work very well to "educate and activate" as Myron Stagman used to say to me https://www.amazon.com/Rescue-Nature-Ourselves-Myron-Stagman/dp/097092657X

I also think that we have had these drop in type circles. There is Green Drinks and Open Coffee and Open Business Club that have done this. So I am sure they can happen. The TEDx Talks also took something of this spirit, and certainly the folk clubs I have attended in the UK have this option for anyone to participate, especially the ones that have poetry and local history too.

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Thanks for sharing the link. You're right, there are probably thousands of "circle groups" - that tend to focus on their own "brand" within themselves. A Symbiotic Circle would have an internal function but it's primary purpose is to connect all of the existing networked silos and other circles in a local community.

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