Welcome to the Birthing the Symbiotic Age Book! NEW here? — please visit the TABLE OF CONTENTS FIRST and catch up! You are in Chapter 5, Part 3, Global Oligarchy or Community Self-Governance? and Bringing Heaven to Earth Chapter 5 posts: Joining the Charity Industrial Complex and Fractal Community Empowerment
“The society “out there”—reflected not just in nation-states on the battlefield but in the whole of global authority that we now can recognize as the “Everything Industrial Complex”—is ultimately a reflection of our consciousness “in here.” “
You have hit on the paradox of it all! It's a challenge of describing simultaneously -
a Transcendent idea (beyond space and time) as well as a multi-dimensional embodiment that is already here and ever present. It's almost like describing the wave/particle simultaneity in quantum physics. Not making a direct comparison between the two concepts but making an analogy.
I have walked a fine line here, pointing the best I can to what seems to be universal ideas, without myself sharing as if I was a trained philosopher or theologian!
I saw the Stephen Hawking biofilm yesterday for the first time- and there you have it! Are we a creating One or a created One- my vote is for creating consciously and living into that heaven! Thank you Richard
“The society “out there”—reflected not just in nation-states on the battlefield but in the whole of global authority that we now can recognize as the “Everything Industrial Complex”—is ultimately a reflection of our consciousness “in here.” “
Nailed it 😊
Are you”we” -“Bringing heaven to earth” or are we choosing to live it?
You have hit on the paradox of it all! It's a challenge of describing simultaneously -
a Transcendent idea (beyond space and time) as well as a multi-dimensional embodiment that is already here and ever present. It's almost like describing the wave/particle simultaneity in quantum physics. Not making a direct comparison between the two concepts but making an analogy.
I have walked a fine line here, pointing the best I can to what seems to be universal ideas, without myself sharing as if I was a trained philosopher or theologian!
I saw the Stephen Hawking biofilm yesterday for the first time- and there you have it! Are we a creating One or a created One- my vote is for creating consciously and living into that heaven! Thank you Richard