Dear Symbiotes!
Thank you again for sharing this one-year journey with me as I released my book, Birthing the Symbiotic Age, as a weekly Substack series. Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne, whose Sarvodaya movement work has inspired me for many decades, has said, “We Build the Road, and the Road Builds Us.” This describes how our inner and outer community journeys are seamlessly interconnected.
That certainly fits this process — I Write the Book, and the Book (and community) Writes Me!
I have learned so much from you and benefited richly from your feedback and wisdom as I released the book in real-time. It has indeed been an experiment in co-creativity, as I have grown so much from the dialogue, and the book has continuously evolved even until the present moment.
I originally had twelve chapters, but as the book developed, I divided Chapter 10 into two chapters and added a new “Activation” chapter.
I plan to continue publishing the second-to-last chapter, The Heart-Centered Way of Symbiotic Culture (see below for the first installment), over the next two months. The last chapter won’t be released here on Substack but will be timed to coincide with the whole book's release (in digital, paperback, hardcover, and Kindle formats) in early April 2025!
Many Blessings and much Love to every one of you, Richard
Thank you Richard!